a tribute... ?
a pissed off rant... ?
an "isn't it funny how the world backfires on you" session... ?
maybe it qualifies as all three... you be the judge.
now, what say we talk about a few things...
and let's start with the positive.
... as far as i know, there is only one person that reads this -if you still do- and i hope you know how much respect i have for you and how much our friendship has meant to me.
i'm going to miss you and our talks - you have been such a big help to me.
for what i feel is no good reason - because i did my job the way i was taught 17 long years ago.
you want stress... try being 46 years old and not be earning an income!
for as long as i can remember, my former employer has stressed "loyalty" and "second chances"...apparently they recently changed their thinking, and didn't tell anyone.
fourteen total years... from the bottom of the barrel to the top of the heap, that pretty much sums up my "career".
help build the program, make great relationships with the people that they served, work overtime without compensation, answer phone calls in the middle of the night with a colicky baby asleep in the next room, use your own gas to look for runaways... etc,etc,etc.
then... make one so called "mistake" and it's "see ya later" - no warning, no second chances, not even a "thanks, we couldn't have done it withoutcha".
you know me... i did what they wanted, accepted the explanation given... (not gonna lie - i took the opportunity to speak MY mind before i took my leave -) but in no way do i understand the actions taken, regardless of the explanation i was given.
many people have done far worse than i did... were given second, third even fourth chances - again, i think the "loyalty" thing comes back into play here.
anyways... i'm sure there is still a lot still left to come out of this story, what and how it goes is yet to be seen... but i guarantee this - it won't be taken lightly or lying down!
closing statement...
people that live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones.
stay tuned